Emily Rose Maier , nasceu a 2 de Fevereiro de 1981 em Renton,Washington , USA.
Pretty girl,sharing the name of the most recently famous Exosrcised character in hollywood,(Emily Rose), this beautifull Blonde jumped only in her late 20's into the spotlight by impersonating the Uncharted videogame character Elena.
Nowadays she is also one of the faces of SyFy channel starring in several TV Shows ,including,Haven where she plays a police officer.
Pretty smile and hot looking atittude.
EMILY BOOTH , nasceu em 26 de Abril de 1976 , em Chester , Inglaterra.
Raised in Hastings,East Sussex,her Great Grandfather built one of the first cinemas in the UK , in Cornwall.
No wonder Emily Booth got her passion for movies from her genes,becoming an actress.
And now she became the face of the Horror Channel.
Inbred in 2012 is her last work.
Pretty girl,sharing the name of the most recently famous Exosrcised character in hollywood,(Emily Rose), this beautifull Blonde jumped only in her late 20's into the spotlight by impersonating the Uncharted videogame character Elena.
Nowadays she is also one of the faces of SyFy channel starring in several TV Shows ,including,Haven where she plays a police officer.
Pretty smile and hot looking atittude.
EMILY BOOTH , nasceu em 26 de Abril de 1976 , em Chester , Inglaterra.
Raised in Hastings,East Sussex,her Great Grandfather built one of the first cinemas in the UK , in Cornwall.
No wonder Emily Booth got her passion for movies from her genes,becoming an actress.
And now she became the face of the Horror Channel.
Inbred in 2012 is her last work.